Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Outing Myself

I like to read trashy novels.

So when I went to the airport last week, crying my eyes out.... a total mess over leaving my kids and going to florida, I went to one of those airport shops and bought a couple books to cheer me up (and so that I could do something productive instead of crying the whole 3 1/2 hours on the plane). I'm embarrassed to say it, but I will, since I seem to write everything on this blog.... It was called The Quickie by James Patterson. I am not embarrassed to admit that I like to read trashy novels. Well maybe a little embarrassed, but I think most woman do. The other book I bought was Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella (author of Confessions of a Shopaholic).

I read Remember Me which was just a fun, easy, not too trashy, would like it to be a little more.. kind of book. For those of you who read it... I have two words.. Mont Blanc... Hahahaha. I liked that book.

I was way too embarrassed to read the other one on the plane. Especially not while sitting next to a guy who had his wife's hand on his leg and was going to Cancun for a getaway.

Anyway, I am reading it now and you know, I think I would really like to meet this guy James Patterson, because his "quickie" in the book lasted well over an hour. And if that's his idea of a quickie.......

The only quick thing about the book are his chapters. So annoying. Only 2-3 pages each. His writing is awful. I can't believe people read his books! I am not a great writer myself, but I am finding it quite painful to read. And this is coming from a woman who enjoys reading Junie B. Jones and the Dear Dumb Diary Series! (With the kids of course...)

I think that now that the good part is over, and truthfully it wasn't even that good, I might have to pass this book on to whoever has enough tolerance to read it. I think I'll stick to Nora Roberts for now... Anyone read Northern Lights by Nora Roberts? That was a good book.

I do read other books too. Not just fun and trashy. I loved A Child Called It and the ones that followed. Made me sick to my stomach that any person could be so cruel. Made me want to crawl into bed with my kids and give them a hug.

And I used to read all the Oprah book club books. But these days I don't have a lot of time to read, so I prefer the easy, fun, not too heavy ones.

Oh.... and US Weekly and In Style..... do those count?


  1. Hahahahaha....usually those books at least have titles that make them appear non-trashy - like The Winds of Summer or very vague things like that. "The Quickie?" Now thats just kinda obvious isnt it??

    Last time I was on a plane i brought a John Grisham book and then I was seated next to a Rabbi I knew and I was even kinda embarrassed to read that....

    But I have read every Sophie Kinsella book and I love them!

  2. Sophie Kinsella rules!

  3. I can honestly say that I've never read a "trashy" novel. Not because I think they're gross or whatever, but because I'd be too embarrassed to buy it in a store. God knows what the cashier would think of me. For our anniversary last year, I bought pretty sexy lingerie and a good set of sheets all at the same place. All I could think about was how the male cashier was picture me in that lingerie laying all over the new, silk bed sheets I was buying. I get a little embarrassed too easily :)

  4. I was reading "Readers Digest" on the plane but all I could think about was how long till you pass on your trashy novel to me. :)

  5. HAHAHAHA on what Sami said....HAHAHA.
    I only read People Magazine! I like to stick to things which visually stimulate me....like trashy TV!! Ha...kidding....not really, cuz I like trash like NT.
    - Miss S.

  6. Go read "Good in Bed" by jennifer Weiner. Great Read . . . funny title! Missed you while you were in Miami!

  7. That is so funny - James Patterson is the man's favorite author. I think he has read almost all of his books...lol!! I always make fun of him for the short chapters...last book he was reading I remember asking if he was on chapter 1,294 yet?!


  8. Sophie Kinsella's real name is Madeline Wickham. She writes under that name too. Look for those books-they are great too.

  9. I couldn't get into that Patterson book...anything by Kristen Hannah, you will enjoy! She is such a great writer...I am with you to...most of the reading I have been doing lately is us weekly...can't go wrong with brangelina stories..

  10. This is why I buy all of my books online. No strange looks from the cashier that way.
