Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Random Blabber

So I just took a look at my blog, and I cannot believe that I havn't posted anything new since thursday, which I really did on wednesday night. I'm so bad. But that picture of Alyssa is pretty cute if I do say so myself and I could look at it all day everyday, so at least I left ya with her smiling face to look at.

Anyway, thanksgiving weekend was really nice. It was nice to see my husband's family and spend time with them. I actually did one run while there but it was very short and painful.... calves were acting up, so only around 2.2 miles. But I also walked with Jon's stepsister one morning for 3.5 miles, so I felt pretty good. I asked a trainer why my calves were so crampy and he told me to eat bananas and drink a lot of water. I'm gonna try it and see if it works. I am loving my new calf muscles to the point of obsession. I just wish they would stop hurting me.

I hate going to the doctor. I actually don't ever go unless I'm pregnant, but I decided to make an appointment 3 weeks ago so I could get my annual stuff done, make sure I don't have cancer down there (biggest fear, I always thing I have cancer, no reason just do) and have them check all my vitals so I can run the half marathon and not drop dead like some others on mile 9 at the NY marathon. Scary!

Anyway, I tried to be a good girl today. I made myself the appointment with my ob/gyn. I hadn't been to see him since my 9 month checkup. I am so bad, I didn't even go to the 6 week checkup after I had Alyssa!!! I got there, gave them my new insurance card, filled out some forms, and waited.... I read Runners magazine cover to cover and waited some more..... Finally almost an hour after my appointment time I asked when he was going see me, and she said that he was still with a patient and one more before me. I looked at the time. I told them that I had to leave in 15 minutes to pick up my baby from school. She said that I can wait if I want, but there is no chance in hell that he will be able to see me in the next 15 minutes. OK, so maybe she didn't exactly say it like that, but that is what she meant.

I thanked them (not sure for what.... oh yeah she liked my hair) and told them I'd call them and reschedule. I think you all know what that means. I am so not calling them. I called my mom instead (my dad's a doctor) and decided that I would just run in to his office one day and have his assistant check my vitals. I guess the pap smear will have to wait.

Yesterday I took Will and Emily and sleeping Alyssa to Color Me Mine to paint pottery. We each painted a plate. It was really fun. I havn't painted pottery in years. I always let my kids do it, but this time Alyssa was sleeping so I decided to have fun too. I can't wait to pick them up next week!

Last night was my kids teacher's conferences. Two hours of talking to teachers, hopefully hearing only good things. I was so exhausted so Jon went instead of me. I went to sleep at 9, right after my kids. Well, sorta... woke up to wash dishes around 10 and then went back to bed.

Anyway, Emily got a perfect report from all 3 teachers. as usual. as expected. Thank god she is not my sister! She is so good at everything she does, and so nice, and so caring, and sweet, and always appreciative. Like last night, she could tell I was tired. So while I put Will and Alyssa to bed, she cleaned up all the toys. The family room was spotless. She is amazing!

Will got a great report form his teacher. as usual. Everyone loves that sweet boy.

Jessica got a report that was not 100% great. Her teachers love her, they think she is really smart, but she just doesn't always read the instructions and therefore gets "silly" points taken off on her homework and tests. She only half reads and therefore sometimes only answers half the question. They think she spaces out in class. I contribute the spaciness to her already being like a teenager who doesn't want to be in class.

Jessica felt so bad. She was crying when I told her what her teachers said. Until last year her teachers only said really great things about her, but in the past couple years school work has gotten harder and there are more expectations of her. Also, she thought she was doing really well in math and hates that they have been going slower for some of the kids. I told her not to worry, that all the teachers love her and that we are proud of her. She does do really well in school there have been just a few C tests lately, but she is usually a B+ or A student. Poor Jessica. I gave her a hug and told her not to worry about it. I also told her that when she takes her tests, finishing first doesn't mean you are the smartest, and that she should take her time reading the questions. In her defense, she has a psycho science teacher who told Jon that her average of 76 is really good for her class. I might have to make an appointment with the principal to talk about that.


  1. uh ... dear ... if all you want is your vitals checked - I can do that. I have a bp cuff and stethoscope. Or you can always go to a pharmacy and stick your arm in the machine over there...

  2. well that is what I mostly care about but was trying to get it all in. And I kinda wanted to make sure about the C word. But I can live with being a hypochondriac for now.
